
您所在的位置: 首页> 备考指导 > 模拟试题 > 公共课 > 英语(二) > 2022年10月自考英语(二)作文预测:环保宣传


发表时间:2022-06-16 09:22:25 来源:桃李自考网


假如你是李华,现任你们学校的学生会主席。你将代表学生会起草一份倡议书 ,号召全校同学行动起来,为环保运动做出自己的努力。同时下周六学校将组织同学在全市进行环保宣传活动,征召志愿者到校学生会报名。

Dear brothers and sisters ,

On behalf of the University Students' Union, I am earnestly calling for your active participation in our environmental protection campaign. The people just can not sustain his glorious civillization without a rewarding environment, so it is our duty to make considerable efforts to protect the environment.

Do you want to volunteer in environmental protection? Here is a great one not to be missed by any enthusiastic youth. Next Saturday, our university will run a publicity campaign to advocate environmental protection across the city. The University Students' Union will be in charge of recruitment of volunteers.

Let's join our hands and take action immediately.

University Students' Union
