
您所在的位置: 首页> 备考指导 > 模拟试题 > 文学类 > 综合英语(一) > 2022年自考《综合英语(一)》练习试题7.10


发表时间:2022-08-16 14:41:03 来源:桃李自考网


It is important that you re-plan your time on a weekly 61 so that you can make certain

62 when necessary.For 63,before mid-term or 64 exams,you will want to give more time to reviewing.A good plan must be a little flexible so that special projects can be done well.Some solid work each day is 65 than many study hours one day and 66 the next.67 you work out your schedule,try to include at 68 two study hours each day.This will not only keep the study habit alive 69 also keep you 70 to date on your class assignments.


71.In“The Time Message”,we’d better take Sunday as a good day to catch upon ______.

72.In'Might Watch',the young Marine sat beside the bed of that old man by ______ all through the night.

73.Special Agent X was assigned to get Cal Richards,who was ______.

74.According to the author of'Happiness',it’s ______ that happiness will naturally follow when people become rich and successful.

75.In Henry Dround’s funeral,every one had to ______ in order to get Henry’s money.

76.When Song Strom asked the druggist to give him the poison,the druggist told him that he had given him the poison in ______.