
您所在的位置: 首页> 备考指导 > 模拟试题 > 文学类 > 英语国家概况 > 2022年自考《英语国家概况》选择模拟试题3


发表时间:2022-08-02 15:42:37 来源:桃李自考网

11.___________and his followers translated the entire Bible into English.

A.Martin Luther B.John Calvin C.John Ball D.john Wycliffe

12.The Doomsday Book was completed in__________.

A.1083 B.1084 C.1085 D.1086

13._________the first king of the Plantagenet Dynasty and ruled English for 35 years.

A.Henru I B.King Stephen C.Henry II D.Count of Anjou

14._________established the King as the most important leader of the Church of England and thus displaced the sovereign of the Pope.

A.The Provisions of oxford

B.The Act of succession

C.The Act of Supremacy

D.The Act of Supremacy

15.The English Renaissance was usually thought of as beginning with thC accession of______to the throne

A.The House of Lancaster

B.The House of Plantagenet

C.ThE Housr of Tudor

D.The House of Stuart