
您所在的位置: 首页> 备考指导 > 模拟试题 > 文学类 > 英语国家概况 > 2022年自考《英语国家概况》选择模拟试题4


发表时间:2022-08-03 15:18:25 来源:桃李自考网

16.King John was forced to put his seal to Magna Carter__________.

A.on July 9,1215

B.June 19.1215

C.June 14,1381

D.July 15,1318

17.The spirit of Magna Carter was__________.

A.A limitation of the powers of the king

B.the foundation of English liberties

C.a limitation of the powers of the barons

D.an expansion of the powers of tie king

18.Kiny Henry III was defeated by the barons led by Simon de Montfort at the battle of Lewes in



C.June 1265


19.___________declsred a war on France that was to last a hundred years.

A.Henry III B.Edward III C.Henry D.Henry VII

20.The name Wars of the Roses was,in fact coined by the great 19th century novelist

A.Sir Walter Raleigh B.Jakob Burckhardt C.Sir Walter Scott D.Guy Fawks